You are at your wit’s end

Your child only falls asleep by being fed to sleep, rocked, carried or bounced to sleep?

Your child wakes up multiple times a night?

Your child wakes up too early?

You already tried a few things on your own, but nothing really worked?

Your biggest wish is….

for your child to fall asleep relaxed and wake up happy?

for your child to get the amount of sleep he needs for his healthy development?

to find a path that aligns with your values and educational beliefs, as well as with the developmental stage of your child?

to be able to spend some quality 1:1 time with your partner in the evening again?

All of this is possible!

Why YesWeSleep?


Bespoke solutions

Every child is different and every family has their own dynamics. It is important to take that into account when looking at sleep solutions. Every recommendation will be tailored to the family individually taking into account their core values and their goals.


Gentle Methods

You won’t have to leave your baby to cry alone,I use a variety of gentle and tailored techniques that allow you to support your child throughout the whole process.


No judgment, only support

Being a parent is really challenging, everyone around you thinks they know it better, your mother, your father in law, your sister, your friend…unsolicited advice and judgment is very common but hard to process and hard to accept. Feeling judged is never a good feeling and can feel overwhelming. I can assure you that you won’t get any judgment from me, only support. I am here to support you through your family's sleep journey.


I have a package to suit each stage of your baby's development and every sleep challenge. But if you'd like something even more bespoke, please get in touch.


Suitable for babies up to 6 months old.

Great if...

You want to create good sleep foundations for your newborn baby.


Suitable for babies from 6 months old up to 6 years old.

Great if...

You would like to tackle your child's sleep challenges but don't want continuous support.


Suitable for babies from 6 months old up to 6 years old.

Great if...

You would like to tackle your child's sleep challenges with the help of a professional on call who can answer all your questions along the way and help guide you trough the whole process.


“Working with Ariane has changed our life. Our little boy is now sleeping through the night and is now a completely different baby, in a good mood as soon as he wakes up and full of energy. Ariane was so supportive, always available to answer our questions and reassure us. I have recommended Ariane to all my mummy friends. Don’t hesitate to book her services, you won’t regret it.”

Clara, mum of 9 month old Oliver 

“Ariane was a calming and helping voice in our sleep journey with our little girl. I felt supported and never judged. She was always available to answer all our questions during the whole process and more importantly she managed to help calm my anxieties as a mum and reassure me that everything we were going through was completely normal. Mia is now falling asleep independently while still sleeping in our room and she is sleeping through the night. I will never be able to thank Ariane enough.”

Audrey, mum of 12 month old Mia

"I asked Ariane for help when my son was 2 years old. Our nights were still very chaotic, he would still wake up at least once or twice every night, wake up really early and my husband and I were really exhausted, we had reached a critical level of sleep deprivation, that was bad for ourselves, our couple and our entire family. So we decided to act on it and asked Ariane for help. We told her everything about our son's sleep habits and routine. She quickly understood what was happening and after following her sleep plan, within a week, he starting sleeping through the night and waking up later in the morning. Since then, our life has improved, we are less tired, less cranky and less stressed about our son's sleep and our son is more rested and happier. All along the way, Ariane was very understanding and gentle, she never critized but always adviced us in a very respectful way, not teaching and knowing better, but just smartly offering advice and help. It was a great experience and I would recommend anyone with this kind of problems not too wait another minute and ask Ariane for help and just like that, you can say "Yes we sleep"."

Dorothee, mum of 2 years old Sami

"My wife and I sought Ariane's help during a particularly difficult period in our life as parents.

Our baby was waking us up almost 2-3 times each night and this, coupled with the fact that he's an early riser, was taking its toll on our physical and mental health.

Ariane listened attentively to our description of our baby's sleeping habits and, after asking us some very precise questions, was able to put together a tailored and detailed sleep plan for our son. Within less than a week, there was a noticeable improvement in our baby's sleep pattern.

In addition to her initial diagnosis, Ariane has made herself available for any follow-up questions we might have. I would definetly recommend you seek her services if you're having a hard time getting your baby to sleep."

Ahmed, dad of 2 1/2 year old boy

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